Welcome to my “Home”, carefully designed to accommodate you and make it feel above all your own, home.
Attimo Milano welcomes you to a unique environment, where every detail, every color, has been selected with precision and care. The design, refined and arrogant, blends harmoniously with historical and evocative elements. The walls bear witness to the pictorial arts, while the sofas reflect Italian craftsmanship excellence, of which I am proud. And no less important is the Fantasy. Thus the imposing 18th-century chandelier will make you imagine Belle’s ball with the Beast, in a fairytale salon. Here, even a simple sofa becomes a work of art that listens and welcomes tears, doubts and fears.
Now no more Wonders. Our Moment also exists because of you.

Stasera, per un attimo, sul palcoscenico aperto hai danzato per me.

Tra le povere scene di carta, sotto le luci false, nel frastuono di note e nel respiro della folla piegata, s'è fatta per un attimo una pausa altissima, un brivido di estatica purezza, e hai sfiorato i tappeti in un cielo d'aurora.

Sei stata per me, un attimo, la raffica di musica che da una porta schiusa si riversa in un turbine nella strada notturna.

Per un attimo solo, in una luce splendida, poi sei tornata nuda.


Wonderland è casa.
Wonderland is home.
I always wanted a name for my community, and for months I couldn’t find the right word. For months I thought using the word “wonderland” alongside my name might be trite or obvious, but then I asked myself, “Is it right to run away from who I am? Can I ever run away from my name?”
“Wonderland” has no sex, no gender, no color or shape. Wonderland is wonder.
A place, a place where everyone can feel understood, welcomed or even SIMPLY heard.
Wonderland was born to feel free to be.

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